"For Connoisseurs of Fine Transportation"
(808) 500 - 7465 | Info@ClassicActsLimos.com
(formerly, PinkLimoKona, LLC dba ClassicActsLimousines

If you are sad that pink limo has changed to a Bentley cream/ivory take heart! The inside is still the same but with a tropical flair. We were advised by so many that we needed this change to appeal to mainly our more masculine customers but also, to women as well. Pink has a Bentley Grill so we decided upon a Bentley color for her transition. She is now an Ivory/Cream to portray the classic look of a Bentley- even though she is a Chrysler 300. Her interior has also transformed into a tropical look and feel which blends smoothly with the existing pink and white interior motif. We could not have continued to call the Company PinkLimoKona when we had no more PinkGo limo so we settled on a dba “ClassicActs Limousines because we use only restored, classic limousines – a “blast from the past” that customers love.”